The Children
The Centre caters for children who have a variety of disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Anglemans syndrome and Rett Syndrome amongst others, often with intellectual, cognitive and / or sensory impairments, such as visual impairment and deafness, and little or no speech. ...more
The Board of Governers
Organisationl & Financial Structure
Whizz-Kidz Special Needs Centre is a registered Non- Profit Organisation (NPO NO. 014-714) managed by a Board of Governors ...more
The Staff
The staff and volunteers at Whizz Kidz comprise a dedicated team of people with a range of skills, expertise, qualifications and experience that provide a nurturing and fun environment for the children. ...more
The Programme - Objectives & Methodologies
The Centre is committed to the development of the child as a whole in an intimate, safe and healthy environment and offers an educational programme designed according to the specific needs of each child, following the IEP approach to individualised educational programmes. ...more